In der Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP) haben die Studierenden im Rahmen der VO Introduction to English Language Teaching die Möglichkeit, sich einen Überblick über die Kernbereiche des Studiums zu verschaffen. In dieser werden in zentrale Bereiche der Fachdidaktik des Englischen eingeführt. Des Weiteren wird auf neuere Entwicklungen in der Fremdsprachendidaktik und im Fremdsprachenunterricht eingegangen.

The lecture "Introduction to English Language Teaching" provides an overview of the central topics within the subject didactics of teaching English as a foreign language. In particular, the students will explore the following areas:

  • Introduction to beliefs about TEFL
  • A brief history of TEFL
  • Recent developments in TEFL
  • Principles and techniques in TEFL
  • Teaching and learning vocabulary
  • Teaching and learning receptive skills
  • Teaching and learning productive skills
  • Teaching and learning grammar

This course has as its central tenet the fundamental learning processes enabling and facilitating the development and acquisition of an additional language and how these are made amenable to its instruction. Put more profanely, what is the best way to learn and teach English as an additional language? To investigate this, the course will focus on the socio-cultural and psychological dimensions of teaching English as a foreign language and how they affect pedagogical practices. In particular, the following dimensions will be addressed: 


Content-based dimension to TEFL: CLIL, TBLT, and other approaches that teach curricular content through a foreign language; code switching and translanguaging

The task-based TEFL dimension: Task-as-workplan/process; Focus-on-form

Psychological dimensions of TEFL: FL2 confidence, anxiety, motivation and cognition

Skills-based dimensions in TEFL: Productive/receptive skills; assessment, vocabulary acquisition

ICT dimensions in TEFL: The roles of information and communication technology, digital literacies


This course deals with teaching language skills in the EFL classroom focusing on listening and reading. It introduces the students to the basic terminology and knowledge within this field and will enable students to design, critically reflect on, and evaluate tasks and activities for the competency-oriented classroom. Apart from offering a broad introduction to a skills-based approach, this course also covers other related aspects such as teaching literature, working with course books, and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

In this course students will thoroughly practise the writing of different narrative, descriptive and persuasive text types as well as the registers typical of these genres.